Baking 110. Day 6

Monday, August 24

We baked Challah (halla) bread today. Challah means "offering" in Hebrew. This bread is traditional Jewish festive Sabbath bread and was first made by the Jews of central Europe in the Middle Ages. Usually made with three strands of dough, (as many as 12 is sometimes used.) these strands are woven into an elaborate braid. The three strands of the traditional Challah were said to signify truth, peace, and justice. The top of the Challah is sprinkled with seeds to signify the "Manna" that fell from heaven.
four strand braid

six strand braid
six strand braid

Challah. (this batch made one 2 strand loaf, one 4 strand loaf, and one 6 strand loaf.)
Water 10 oz
Instant Yeast .3 oz
Sugar 1.5 oz
Bread flour 1 lb. 9 oz
Eggs 4 oz
Vegetable oil 1.5 oz
Salt .3 oz

Straight dough mixing method.
Layer each ingredient into mixing bowl. Mix in speed 1 for 2 minutes and speed 2 for 8 minutes.

Make up.
Turn out onto counter or work bench, cover, and let double in size.
Scale to about 14 oz pieces. (you should get three)
Scale into strands.
Braid and proof.
Egg wash, Garnish and Bake. (400 degrees. until its a super dark color.)

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