Baking 101. Day 7

Tuesday, August 4

These fruit tarts were everyone's favorite. We learned to make pastry cream today. That's what these pate sucree tarts are filled with.

Fruit tarts.
Crust-Pate Sucree.
Butter 12 0z
Powdered Sugar 8 oz
Almond Flour 2.75 oz
Salt 1/2 tsp.
Eggs 4.5 oz
Cake flour 5 0z
Cake flour 1 lb

Mix first six ingredients until it becomes a paste.
Mix in cake flour (1 lb) just until combined.
Chill dough at least 4 hours.

Pastry cream.
Milk 8 oz
Sugar 1 oz
Egg yolks .75 oz
Whole eggs 1 oz
Cornstarch .5 oz
Sugar 1 oz
Butter (optional) about a tsp.
Vanilla (optional) a couple drops

Heat milk at sugar.
Whisk together yolks, eggs, cornstarch, and sugar.
Pour half of heated milk into egg mixture, whisking constantly.
Pour egg/milk mixture back into pot with the rest of the heated milk.
While stirring, bring to a boil. Cook for 15 seconds or until it becomes like pudding.
Pour onto sheet tray covered with plastic wrap. let cool.

Fruit tart makeup.
Blind bake the pate sucree tart shells.
Once cooled, pipe in pastry cream.
Decorate with tarts, covering all pastry cream.
Glaze and serve, or refrigerate.

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